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WoD - Tuesday 1st June, 2021

WoD - Tuesday 1st June, 2021

Pinch, punch…first of the month…f**kers! I hope you all had an amazing bank holiday weekend, full of sun, booze and fitness.

See you tomorrow!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Every minute, on the minute, for 10 minutes:
Strict handstand push ups

B: 5 rounds of:
Within 2 minutes:
20/15 Calorie bike
Maximum calorie row
Rest for four minutes between rounds.

Please post those legendary drop offs to the whiteboard…

Hang snatch
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3

10 - 10 - 10
Hip extensions

For how bank holidays are supposed to be spent…see below!

WoD - Friday 31st May, 2019

WoD - Friday 31st May, 2019

Last day of May! Holly shit, didn’t see that coming did ya! Summer is firmly on it’s way and the sunshine is here to stay. Apart from yesterday of course, where it was raining! But, back squats don’t need the sun, so you’re lucky.

Long summers days of beastings, walks, BBQs, bike rides, beers and sun burns are upon us. Get out there and enjoy the weather, after your fix of course. Just think, be more like Aris and Alfie…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

“The Mule"
21 - 15 - 9
Deadlift (315/225lbs)
Burpee pull ups

This workout is taken from the Rogue Invitational and was a “sprint”. Kick those massive balls out of the door and scale to ensure an appropriate time. No staring at the barbell for longer that actually lifting it please!

Scores to the whiteboard…


WoD - Monday 20th May, 2019

WoD - Monday 20th May, 2019

So then team…how was it? As legit as you expected? What I can tell you, is that I have been utterly bombarded with seriously cool messages and tags, full of nothing but compliments for Al Conroy (AKA The General) who, has apparently missed his calling! There is still time however, he could easily go forward and re-focus his life to become a highly respected Military Leader. And, although our national security would be much improved, we would lose him to Her Majesty…FUCK THAT!

Take a bow Conners, you have led your team with virtuosity and integrity; I’m sure they will follow you anywhere. I hope you are reading this, while sat on the sofa (feet up and worthy smug smile on your face), drinking an ice cold alcoholic beverage of your choice! Just deserved.

Now, if any of you have any minerals left, then come on down to the box and get stuck into this…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 20 minutes complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Dumbbell Overhead Squats (Left Arm - 50/35lbs)
5 Dumbbell Overhead Squats (Right Arm - 50/35lbs)
10 Toes To Bar
Run 200m

A highly challenging movement, made waaaaay worse by a smashed midline from TTB, standard! Get that single tear wiped off your face and chuck your scores on the whiteboard…

“Castro’s got nothing on me!”

“Castro’s got nothing on me!”

WoD - Wednesday 15th May, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 15th May, 2019

Now when I programmed this week, I may or may not have been on a 22 hour travel day, following 3 hours of sleep post L1 seminar…basically firmly fucked up!
Whilst scheduling Monday’s five rounder I genuinely believed that folk could go sub 9, as I nearly had twice in my back garden during the early weeks of OppoFit (the 5 week lock in during proper puppy stage.
However, whilst performing said workout on Monday night, it suddenly dawned on me that I had massively messed up and made you guys do a further two rounds.
If it is any consolation, training alongside you wonderful folk makes everyone better…seeing as the clock clearly read sub 9 mins on completion of round 3. The last two rounds though, took nearly as long!

Tonight’s workout sucked even more!

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 15 minutes of:
30 Double Unders
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (50/35kg)
8 Handstand Push Ups
These are you go, I go rounds

2 minute reset time before:

Part B: It is a secret, you will find out during your two minutes rest.


WoD - Thursday 28th March, 2019

WoD - Thursday 28th March, 2019

Day 4 of DOMs hell, I’d like to thank 19.5 and Dave Castro for causing significant discomfort, that it appears may well be with me for the rest of my life. Such a devastating effect was witnessed by that pure slag of a workout that I am predicting now, it will appear again at the end of the October Open. We can only hope and prey that I am incorrect!

The box has been unusually quiet so far this week, maybe you are all struggling too.

Having said that, trying to ride home last night after getting a damn good thrashing by Melski did make me wonder if I was actually going to make it. Perhaps she was in cahoots with Dave when he was sat at his whiteboard?

Coaches week continues, and after having a break from squatting yesterday, we are back for some more today. Clive just loves a squat, specifically the overhead variation. The only issue is that he loves to run too!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

With a 20 minute running clock:
Run 1 mile

Rest 2 mins

In the remaining time, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
15 Overhead Squats (40/30kg)
45 Double Unders

Use your non dominant hand, to lift your dominant hand up to the whiteboard so that you can write your rounds and reps please…


WoD - Wednesday 27th March, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 27th March, 2019

What an amazing day for getting your butts out in the sunshine, hanging out (maybe with your wangers out) but definitely on cool things like motorbikes, or in (or outside) CrossFit gyms playing with rugby balls, spike balls or maybe a dude of a puppy!?
Obviously after you have smashed the living hell out of yourselves with a workout of course. And what better than to do one named after one of your all time favourite folk?

Now I could spend a significant amount of time waffling on about how much of a stud Hannah is, but none of you really have a spare few hours to read it all.
She’s cool, hot as hell, loves people and helping them, kicks butt on open workouts and can make a pretty decent cup of tea! You all love her, but likely a little less after this…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
30 - 20 - 10
10 - 20 - 30
Pull ups
Power clean (50/35kg)

Stagger over to the whiteboard and record your blistering scores with your blistered hands…

I’m sure Conroy has a “better” picture of Han somewhere

I’m sure Conroy has a “better” picture of Han somewhere

WoD - Thursday 21st March, 2019

WoD - Thursday 21st March, 2019

Get yourselves ready, there is only one thing that is coming your way…lots of thrusters and more pull ups. Likely to be of the chest to bar variety. One more chance to knock Fraser from the top of the leaderboard, and I have ultimate faith in you guys.

Entirely off subject, but still very cool…a very old friend of mine owns this kick ass company, where he sells a bunch of sexy arsed gear to keep you warm in the winter months. Now I know that soon enough you will be moaning about the weather, and that it’s too hot…blah blah, but this shit will keep for next year…and there is a bad ass sale on too!

Tommy and I were in the Marines together, in fact he was my first boss. As a 16 year old, he helped to mould me into a vaguely passable man, ensuring that I knew exactly how to evade irate away taxi drivers when required. Following a successful career in the Royal Marines, qualifying as a Mountain Leader, he decided to leave and pursue a passion. Jöttnar was the result.
Maybe when we are next all drunk I will tell you a few stories!

Now, get your arses on this site and pick up some serious sexy stash…

CrossFit Cardiff Team WoD

Within teams of 3, complete as many reps as possible within 30 minutes of:
Max Calorie Assault Bike
As many rounds as possible of:
200m Run
20 GHD Sit Ups
2 Ring Muscle Ups

In this workout, one athlete will be on the Assault Bike, another will perform 1 round of the AMRAP and the final athlete will rest. Rotate through each for 30 minutes.
Please write total AB Calories and rounds and reps to the whiteboard once the dust has settled
