Now when I programmed this week, I may or may not have been on a 22 hour travel day, following 3 hours of sleep post L1 seminar…basically firmly fucked up!
Whilst scheduling Monday’s five rounder I genuinely believed that folk could go sub 9, as I nearly had twice in my back garden during the early weeks of OppoFit (the 5 week lock in during proper puppy stage.
However, whilst performing said workout on Monday night, it suddenly dawned on me that I had massively messed up and made you guys do a further two rounds.
If it is any consolation, training alongside you wonderful folk makes everyone better…seeing as the clock clearly read sub 9 mins on completion of round 3. The last two rounds though, took nearly as long!
Tonight’s workout sucked even more!
CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 15 minutes of:
30 Double Unders
12 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (50/35kg)
8 Handstand Push Ups
These are you go, I go rounds
2 minute reset time before:
Part B: It is a secret, you will find out during your two minutes rest.