A tribute for McCoy

Good wasn’t good enough - he always wanted to be the best.

He was a warrior. McCoy Turner had battled complex PTSD for years and yet he was described by all that knew him as a beacon of light, having a warmth, a kindness and a smile that would light up any room. Fooling even those closest to him and on the very rare occasions when he did ask for help, seemed as he didn’t want to be a burden.

A L4 CrossFit Seminar Staff ‘Red Shirt’, McCoy taught a staggering 246 L1 & L2 seminars globally across Europe and Asia. A Flowmaster, and Coaching Mentor he truly was a master of his craft.

McCoy was a wonderful father, a friend and for those lucky enough to call him, a brother.
He finally lost his fight with his own mind, and on the 8th of March and in solitude, committed suicide.
In doing so he has left a void in this world that will never be filled. You cannot replace a man like McCoy, I will miss him dearly.

If I am ever capable of being half as strong, half as talented, half as passionate and half of the man that McCoy was, I will consider myself complete.

He will continue to influence me every day, I will never forget him and always celebrate him.

McCoy my friend, may you finally be at peace.

Not all illnesses are visible, even those who on the surface have it all, can be suffering inside. So please be kind, reach out to your friends and loved ones and tell them what they mean to you, as you never know how long you have left with them.

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 25 minutes of:
42 Kettlebell walking lunges
38 Burpees
38 Kettlebell ground to overhead
400m run
Athletes will both lunge, one carrying the kettlebell, share the burpees and GTOH and run together, one carrying the kettlebell.
KB 24/20kg