What would be amazing is that if one of your closest friends would invite you over to their place, having cooked a MASSIVE beef brisket, slowly on a wood burner. If he was a true legend he would also invite your two dogs so that you can join his two dogs at one hell of a beach the following day. Finally, just imagine if that same man was to fill a yeti cooler with some of the tastiest beer on the planet…
Now then, although yesterday’s assault bike workout was savage, you might not be quite done with them this week yet… sorry, not sorry.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Complete as many rounds and reps as possible within 20 minutes of:
Run 400m
20 GHD sit ups
10 Overhead squat (40/30kg)
Basically a good time for 20 minutes…
A: Free standing handstand drills
B: 3 Sets
10 Pike ups
30s Weighted plank
10 Deficit push-ups
20 Stadlers