A few things will happen today:
1. I will likely have to carry Mikey B for far more 200m buddy carries then he will carry me.
2. Someone is going to get smashed right in the face by a 2 for 1 wall ball.
3. I will lose members due to your antics at the party tonight.

All will be worth it!

Now not that this is actually going to prevent the coaching staff from having a total meltdown, when attempting to explain this workout to you all but… play the song and simply replace the gift with vile movements! Then, you understand the flow of the workout.

For those of you who are new to this, then do not complain, because if you do I will be returning to the old fashioned workout which, even without 2 for 1 wall balls, was vile!!!

CrossFit Cardiff 12 days of Christmas Partner WoD
Complete for time:
1 Partner Deadlift (200/160)
200m Buddy carry (anyhow)
3 Rope climbs (split as needed)
4 Thrusters (60/40kg)
5 Bar muscle ups (split as needed)
6 Power cleans (60/40kg)
7 Synchro burpees to target (pull up bar)
8 Front squats (60/40kg)
9 Weighted GHD sit ups (20/14lbs)
10 Assault bike calories
11 Synchro double unders
12 2 for 1 wall balls (20/14lbs)

The following movements will be alternated between partners per round.
Power cleans
Front Squats
Weighted GHD Sit ups
Assault bike calories

Everything will be explained on the day… it will need to be!