WoD - Thursday 29th July, 2021
The week of torture is nearly over, soon it will be Friday, the weekend and then my week and so you are all really in trouble! 😬
A cheeky strength day to calm you all down after some lung busters. If you have any give left in your legs that is!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Back squat
3 - 3 - 3 -3 - 3
Weighted strict pull up
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
These are supersets. And so following the back squats and with as minimal rest as possible, move on to the pull ups. The back squats are heavy, straight sets
Loads up…
Clean Complex
Clean grip deadlift - Hang clean - Clean
Back extensions
10 - 10 - 10 - 10