Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Tuesday 21st December, 2021

Here’s to hoping you lot have had a happy weekend and a good start to the week! The rundown to silly season is on. Be sure to pick up as much cheese and wine as possible before those party animals at number 10 grab it all!

Cheese and wine nor parties are going to be on your minds after this though hey!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
4 Rounds, each for time of
15/12 Calorie assault bike
30 Double unders
Rest 3 mins between rounds

Handstand push-ups

1a: Freestanding handstand drills
1b: 5 minute EMOM
5 - 10 reps

3 sets
2a: 3 handstand negatives
2b: 18 Hollow rocks
2c: 10 Pike push ups (deficit if possible)

3 sets
3a: Max push ups (2 second pause at the bottom)
3b: 20 Stadler leg lifts to plate
3c: 5 Chin ups (2 second pause at top)