Now tomorrow’s workout is a little different than what you may have done before, and absolutely sucks. Harness your inner gymnast and suck it up.
If you were to do something similar, once or twice per week, it would be a effective way to help you to improve when we are finally allowed to get our butts back into the box again.
You will all be handstanding ninjas!

This workout was programmed by an absolute legend named Raphael Laukau, a very close friend of mine and very cool guy. But…he is way too nice for his own good, so I added an extra round! You are welcome! ;-)

Ps. Seriously not a PS, check out pili_palette on IG. Beth the legend has started a very cool venture. GET FOLLOWING!!

CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD

5 Rounds for time of:
1 minute handstand hold
50 Walking lunges

Just you!

Warm up
Run away from your house, in any direction, for 5 minutes. Then, run back.
10 Walk outs with a press up
10 Walking lunges
5 Walk outs with a press up
10 Reverse lunges

Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here
