WoD - Thursday 23rd April, 2020
I’d like you to note that this is the blog for Thursday and I have yet to talk about the weather. And, the only reason that I am going to start waffling about it now is that i’d like you all to take note of the shitty conditions that I had to demo that workout under. Moist!
Even requiring me to quickly convert my “ab mat” into a rain cover for the camera. Versatile little bastard that hoodie!
Apart from the rain, it’s a fun workout…HAMSTRINGS!
CrossFit Cardiff HomeFit WoD
3 Rounds for time of:
30 Deadlift (60/40kg)
60 Sit ups
90 Double unders
RX: 60/40kg Barbell
1 or 2 DB/KB (If using 1, then hold in a sumo stance with both hands)
1 Rucksack held in a sumo stance as above
Warm up
3 Rounds not for time:
Run 200m
20 Step ups
30s plank hold
30 Pencil jumps
Get videos recorded and posted on your social media platforms, tag Reebok CrossFit Cardiff and upload your times to the google doc, linked here