WoD - Monday 9th March, 2020
And here it begins. One of two…test weeks.
We have programmed two test weeks, 5 workouts per week, each a benchmark which, over the two weeks (one-week break in the middle) will test a variety of time frames, skills and capabilities.
What you need to do…come on in, every day and go as hard as you possibly can. Each workout will, should you give it everything you have, give you one hell of a stimulus. Don’t worry about secret squirrel training programs, rest as needed (including the weekend - easy as we have an L1 at the gym) so that you are able to destroy each fully from gaining a well earned breather.
Some of these tests might not be as desirable as others, but it doesn’t mean that you should have proficiency in them, nor does it mean that being better would cause a big increase of overall fitness.
The main focus of these weeks, is to allow the coaching team to manipulate the programming in order to maximise your fitness levels.
As Castro told me on my CrossFit L1: “we want to make you weightlifting gymnasts, with the lungs of runners!” Who doesn’t want that?!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Day One
A: Within 5 minutes:
Establish a max distance handstand walk (in 5m blocks)
B: For time:
Row 2,000m
5 rounds:
Sprint 400m
Rest 3 mins between