Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Thursday 6th February, 2020

Well you might not be ginormously hung over from a complete stinker of a birthday session, smashed having spent half the night swinging your trousers around your head, playing paper, scissor, stone with a doorman in an attempt to convince him that drinking those 7 pints out of your right shoe (shoooooooe boat) didn’t in fact mess you up and you are okay to enter his fine establishment. might be feeling the after effects of that workout today! Fun right! 👍🏼

Still, no rest for the wicked...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

4 Rounds for time of:
500m row
15 Toes to rings
25 Air squats 
Rest 6 mins between rounds

Please write each individual round time up on the whiteboard…

No beard!