Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Wednesday 5th February, 2020

Well that went fast! Tomorrow marks the 9th year of CrossFit Cardiff in operation. On Saturday the 5th of February, without a sign (stayed that way for at least 3 years) the doors to a unit that would literally change peoples lives opened.
It is genuinely difficult to write about all that has happened over the course of nearly a decade, but, many folk have gotten really fit, cured their selves of conditions and ailments, saved relationships…created relationships. Experienced extreme discomfort, through workouts and hang overs! My punctuation has gotten a little better (you can teach a Marine anything see…😳) and I can change a toilet roll or the batteries of a concept two monitor in world record time! Thank you all for helping me to grow!

Roll on Saturday the 15th where we will celebrate in style.

Here’s to another decade of fun filled fitness!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 Rounds for reps
Within 8 minutes
Run 600m
In the remaining time EMOM:
6 burpee box over (30/24”)

Get your birthday scores up to the board please…

Maybe an arrow might have helped