WoD - Thursday 7th November, 2019
In 2012 I was judging at the first CrossFit Games Invitational in London, where Team USA went against Team Europe. The event was amazing, a bunch of the members came down to watch and a few of even managed to tag along to the after party, helping to drink the bar at the Marriott hotel dry. Even really fit people get really drunk!
In the days building up, I was having dinner with Dave Castro and he was telling a story of a regional event back in 2009. All events at regionals were independently programmed and Europe had the workout “Fat Helen”
Run 400m
21 Swings (32/24kg)
12 Chest to bar pull ups…
The winning time (it was a male, there were only two females there and neither could do a pull up (crazy right)) was 6:56!!
Now, for those of you who are unsure, if you got anything sub 7 with regular Helen you are amongst an elite group. Dave saw the time and said…”if that is legit, that guy will win the games”… and they did.
Mikko Salo!
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
“Stacked Helen”
3 Rounds for time:
Run 800m
21 Kettlebell Swings (32/24kg)
12 Chest To Bar Pull ups
See if you can get close to half of your regular Helen time and get the sucker up on the board…