WoD - Friday 27th October, 2017
Start getting festive team! The Sixth annual CrossFit Cardiff Xmas party is coming! Booked at the Bootlegger on Womanby Street. Details below:
Arrive from 7pm
Food from 8pm (If you rock up too fashionably late, be prepared for this section to be gone)
Band from 10pm (Shanghai Shufflers)
DJ there after until 2:30am
All for £20 which will include some free booze
If you haven't been to one of our Xmas parties then please, trust me, plan on doing nothing the following day. Really!
Grab a coach, when you get chance and hand over your hard earned cash! They will record your name and you will be ready to rock.
All that will be left to do is get your handbags and gladrags ready! Please, dress how you want but don't embarrass yourself like Ash is bound to by wearing a CrossFit t-shirt!
The Facebook event
Add yourself as attending if you are, and share amongst those who aren't friends with me. The venue website is below...
Cardiff Bootlegger
Anyway, what you really came on here to find out...Fran on heat!
CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
3 Rounds for time of:
15 Thrusters (40/30kg)
15 Pull Ups
Rest 5mins
3 Rounds for time of:
15 Thrusters (40/30kg)
15 Pull Ups
Partners can split the work however they want.
Please post times to the whiteboard...