Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Friday 26th February 2016

It felt like it was just yesterday when we were watching the unbelievable performances of the CrossFit Games athletes in Carson, California. Well today marks the beginning of the search for this years fittest man, woman and team. Maybe they will find them with the walls of our box…I’m sorry to be the one to burst your bubbles, but I don’t think so. Not this year anyway! 

What we will see is people pouring their heart and souls into every workout. They will leave nothing in the tank and desperately fight to be better. To improve. Push themselves to new limits. To do things that they didn’t think that the could. All done so within an immensely positive atmosphere. 


From a young age I found myself within a hugely supportive community. A place where you made bonds stronger than even that of family. At a moments notice brothers were willing to lay down for their “oppo’s,” and it is exactly that what attracted me to CrossFit.

It is more than just a gym. It is more than just a place where people come to get away, sweat a bit, or get bigger biceps. It is a supportive family. One in which the members do those things for each not because they have to, but because they want to. 


Courage          Determination          Unselfishness          Cheerfulness in The Face Of Adversity


For the uninitiated, the Open is about personal achievement. It is about the strive to be better. Earlier this year, Ellen came to me and said, “Dav’s, last Christmas I couldn’t walk the 200m distance without stopping. I’ve just run a 400m!” Tomorrow and at the young age of ** Ellen will take part in her first sporting event ever! And I cannot wait to see her show it who’s boss.

Hold your head high through each one Ellen, the rest of us could learn a lesson or two from you.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD


Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:
25-ft. overhead walking lunge
8 Bar Facing Burpees
25-ft. overhead walking lunge
8 chest-to-bar pull-ups 

Men lunge 95 lb.
Women lunge 65 lb.