Hopefully your shoulders have recovered after Saturdays Epic team WOD.  Who knew dumbbells could make you hurt so much!! ....At least barbell thrusters and wall balls will feel easy now though  ;)

This is my church

This is my church

Final reminder for anyone who purchased the special offer for Nov/Dec/Jan, this has now ended so if you previously weren’t set up on the Team Up system to pay your membership then please can you take the time this evening to do so.  If you are unsure or need further guidance on this then let me know (e-mail or text).  Simply throwing some cash at Brad is not ideal so it would help us out massively if you can pay through our system. 


Many thanks ;)

This weeks programming is brought to you courtesy of young BJ Rivers.

  • 750 row 
  • 21 Double KB front squat (24/16)
  • 15 L-sit pull ups 
  • 500 row
  • 15 Double KB front squat (24/16)
  • 12 L-sit pull ups 
  • 250 row 
  • 9 Double KB front squat (24/16)
  • 9 L-sit pull ups