We'll just go ahead and assume that the classes were a little quieter today as a result of you all being sore after the half marathon on the weekend........and NOT because you took a look at the WOD beforehand and didn't fancy it!

Tomorrow will be much shorter for most of you (unless you went sub 7 mins today!) 

Part A - 30 Mins Skills

Gymnastics Technique Practice 

Kipping for TTB and Kipping for HSPU

Part B - 7 Minute AMRAP

  • 20 Toes to Bar
  • 10 HSPU

This is short so go hard, don't game it.

Also if you missed the announcement on Saturday about the changes and the special offer then here's the link http://www.crossfitcardiff.com/blog/2015/10/3/announcement

Here's how we plan to use the Wall Balls for the rest of the week.