Hi guys, we have an important announcement which affects you all so listen up!
There are a few changes happening over the next few weeks which are all aimed at improving the service we offer you.
Firstly the bad news. We have tried to hold off as long as we can (5+ years!), but we now have to increase membership prices to all existing members. The new pricing will be:
- £60/month - Unlimited
- £50/month – Unlimited Discounted (Students and Emergency Services discount)
- £50/month - 2 Day a week
- £100/month – Couples Discount
The price increase will not kick-in until 1st January, so this is just a heads up at this stage. To help soften the blow we are running a special offer over Christmas which gives you 3 months for £120 (or £200 for couples) and this is open to ALL current members. It will give you membership between 1st November 2015 and 31st January 2016 and there is a link below (and shortly on our homepage) to the offer which can be purchased through Team Up. Obviously, if you purchase the deal then the price increase for you won't kick in until February :)
Rest assured, once you purchase this package, your existing monthly Team Up membership will be put on hold with no payments being taken during the period. Membership will automatically restart as usual on 1st February 2016. The link and promotion will be removed before the end of October though to allow us to process the offer before the November billing run, so hurry
Since the day we opened, we have trebled in size and increased the breadth and depth of the equipment provided. We are committed to continuing this improvement, and:
from Monday 19th October ALL our evening classes will now have two coaches.
This is intended to give you more attention and actual hands on coaching time. With two coaches in every class you will have far more time to receive one on one instruction. As our class numbers further expand we will be constantly reviewing how best to improve your experience. To this end, if you have any feedback or suggestions then please feel free to pass them onto us, or even e-mail us at Dafydd@crossfitcardiff.com, Brad@crossfitcardiff.com or Hendy@crossfitcardiff.com Some of our best ideas have come from you guys so let us know what you think.
As part of this refocussing of our offering, we will however (for now) be reducing some Open Gym time in the middle of the day. The gym will now close after the morning class around 8.30am and reopen again at 3pm in the afternoon. A full updated timetable will be available on the website shortly including the coaches rota covering who will be managing each class.
We have big plans for the future and hope you are as excited as we are!