Normal service is resumed this week, although I'm still running with Blog for a bit.... Mwohahaha. WOD courtesy of Dafydd Dennis (just so any abuse can be directed his way!) Although there are a lot of squats tomorrow, just be thankful you're not doing Murph again ;)
Part A
Squat Therapy
(Try to keep your feet shoulder width apart and work on keeping your knees out and finding depth, rather than trying to find depth by pointing your feet out really wide!)
Part B
For Time:
50 - 40 - 30 - 20 - 10 25 - 20 - 15 - 10 - 5
Med ball cleans (20/14) Burpees
(So 50 MBC first, then 25 Burpees, then 40 MBC and 20 Burpees etc)
Part C
3 Rounds (not for time) 20 hip extensions.