WOD - Tuesday 7th July
So much love for Murph today, I had secretly thought that perhaps nobody would show-up, but it turns out that you guys really really love a shitfest. Duly noted ;) Special shout out to Jon Hares who decided to do the WOD at 5AM this morning and seemed to be trying to turn it into a swim WOD with the amount of sweat he was putting out. Awesome work.
Today went so well that I'm gonna run with the blog for now (pardon the pun, I'm sure nobody wants to run with anything after today).
Enjoy (and morning crew, be sure to wish young Brad good luck on his driving test tomorrow).
Part A - Skill practice
12 Minute EMOM (Every Minute On the Minute)
Even Minutes - 30 Double Unders Odd Minutes - Perform 5 Power Snatches (40kg/30kg)
If you can't do double unders then spend 30 seconds practicing them instead
Part B - Benchmark Girl
Deadlifts (100kg/70Kg) Handstand Pushups
This workout can actually be completed in less than 1 minute 40 seconds.....you just have to be Dan Bailey.