Reports of two strange men have been making Cardiff headline in the last few hours. Sighted at Cardiff Bay, one seemed to be videoing the others A-hole, presumably for the purpose of "entertainment" at a later date. Police were called to the scene due to the nature of the incident: young children were seen to be running into their parents arms, worried for their safety. The two, who can only be described as pornographers, had fled prior to the arrival of the boys in blue; probably a lucky escape for a man in a uniform! CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: 3 Rounds for time of:

30 Wall Balls (20/14lbs) 20 Hang Power Cleans (60/40kg) 10 C2B Pull Ups

B: 3 Sets not for time of:

25 Hip Extensions Rest 60s 15 Strict TTB Rest 60s

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