So an utter brute and vandal attempted to knock down our pull up rig tonight. The incident took place at roughly 6pm when a 2ft tall hoodie threw herself against one of the wall mounted rig uprights! There was no concern for the well being of the 6pm class, or whether they had to use the apparatus; she thought only of herself and tried to ruin it for everyone else. The only reason I can think that Lottie "The Hottie" decided to conduct herself in such a way is through jealousy, the fact that she can't quite jump up to the bar yet has been grating on her every since she has been able to walk! Little did she know that when erecting the mighty rig, the DIY team from CrossFit Cardiff purchased their fixing tools from ShitFit Screwfit over the road, so there is no way that thing is coming down!

Below is a picture of the guilty party, looking extremely sheepish! Vitamin - D bottle for lump scale!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Spend 15mins working on Muscle Up technique

B: Spend 10 mins working on Thruster technique

C: For Time:

21 - 15 - 9 15 - 12 - 6

Thruster (95/65lbs) Muscle Ups

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