A new on ramp started tonight with an equal number (nearly) of budding helper to athletes! The poor buggers didn't know what had hit them! They all kicked butt and had their eyes all over the new clobber already, you longer standing "old sweats" had better snap them up fast or you'll be missing out! If anyone finds a cooked chicken in the changing rooms then feel free to eat it, unless you prefer NOT to be crapping through the eye of a needle for the next few days. Tommo, the MUPPET, left it "somewhere" at the box. So...how many burpees should he get for that??

Now seriously now...seriously, please...no one die!!!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Front squat 2-2-2-2-2-2-2 (All heavy should first set and last set should be within 10% of each other)

B: Rope climb tekkers

C: work in small groups and perform AMRAP rope climbs in 10mins.*

*Brad actually "tested" that you won't die if you drop from the 15ft rope. I'm not sure exactly what happened and unfortunately there is no video evidence (that I know of) of the incident, but you should all be therefore fine!

please post loads to comments....