So we welcomed Gronow back to the gym tonight, he had to fill out his injury claim form at some point! He snurgled about the joint for a bit, scoping the place out, trying to find something else to injure himself on to bump up his claim; well he has to pay for that wedding somehow!! Now there has been another absence from the gym, a loving couple that just brighten the joint up! They are the loves and soles of every party and we all want to see them come back! Ross and Katie!! Get your toned and northwards pointing respective bits back to the gym before time and a lack of function movements cause them to go south!!!

Below you will see video footage of the last night they were seen. Following this "conversation" where Ross is talking to a friend on FaceTime and merely trying to show his friend how nice his fiancé is, he was found hiding in a large dustbin; from what no one can recall. If you see his poodle like appearance, drag it with his beautiful lady to the box for a good old thrashing!

Ross Vs Katie

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A:3 round of:

2min Cindy AMRAP Rest 1 min

B: Spend 15 mins working on:

The Kipping Pull Up

C: 'Lynne'

5 Rounds for max reps of: Bodyweight Bench Press Pull-ups Rest for a maximum of 3mins between rounds

Please post reps to comments....