Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Monday 21st July 2014

So as most of you SHOULD be aware it is the CrossFit Games this coming weekend. This is the highlight of the year in many peoples Crossfit lives and some of our lucky members are actually going to be sunning themselves in LA this week to watch or even judge it! So not to feel left out, on Friday night we are planning a one night only special screening at the box (technology permitting!) we will be showing The Games live on a 12 foot projector screen through the night! Yes, due to the time difference the events will run from 6pm to about 3am although full event times are yet to be announced and we all know what Dave Castro is capable of.... So far we have (UK times)

6pm triplet (3k row, 300DU, 3k run)

10.45pm sprint sled....?

They always like a 'Friday night lights' event in the main arena so expect a cool WOD at around 2am as well...

But the team events will be running throughout and in between as usual.

The plan is to stick around after the 7pm class and turn the box into a cinema. Bring a sleeping bag, bean bag, pillow, couch, inflatable chair, or whatever gets you comfortable. If you want to sleep at the box then that's cool, it'll be warm enough, although Brad has called shotgun on the upstairs couch (which if last year is anything to go by, he'll be cwtched up on by around midnight) .....

Obviously food, drinks and paleo treats are going to be needed so bring what you need for yourself.

There's a couple of ground rules though gang.

1. No dropping heavy arse barbells at 2am and waking up our sensitive neighbours. If you fancy trying to beat Rich Froning as he's doing the WOD live then that's cool as long as it's Burpees and pull ups :)

2. Clear up any and all traces of the nights action ready for when the box is officially due to open at 10am.

So if you want in on this action it'd be good to get a rough idea on numbers so leave a comment on Facebook.

This could be epic.

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Spend 15mins working on HS tekkers

B: Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 20 minutes of:

3 Hang Power Cleans (85/60kg) 6 Strict Ring dips 9 Box Jumps (30/24") 27 Double Unders

Please post rounds and reps to comments...