Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Friday 4th July 2014

Exciting times at the box guys. Things are happening behind the scenes which are coming your way really soon. To start with we have a new class, Dan the man is going to be launching two themed classes. One of which is designed to help you guys get more from your CrossFit! He shall be attacking you guys in various ways to get your muscular system firing the way they should be, providing you with a reduced injury potential and a great movement potential. Personal Bests will follow to the ying yang!! He is also going to start teaching a gymnastics class. Details of this are to follow but you guys have seen the ninja on the rings, make shift P bars and vault. CrossFit stems from gymnastics, it was developed to improve gymnastics in the off-season; and gymnastics will make EVERY SINGLE aspect of your CrossFit much, much better!! I have had the pleasure of receiving some 1:1 training from Dan and he handed me my arse, every time! It is not easy, so just because I didn't have a clock timing me really does not mean that I didn't receive a serious stimulus.

The first class, MOVE 3 will be starting real soon, look out for a blog/facebook page update! It will begin with two complimentary taster sessions, one in the week and one on the weekend.

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: 10min EMOM of:

6 Clean and Jerks (60/40kg)

B: AMRAP 12 mins

50 Double Unders 15 Back Squats (60/40kg) 30 Walking lunges

Please post rounds and reps to comments....