So a pair of legends are set to marry tomorrow, Si and Beth! I'd like to wish them both well publicly. In the best way that we know how...a WoD. Guys, from everyone down at the box, good luck for the day and for the rest of your lives, although I know you won't be needing it. If you can survive this partner WoD together, then you can survive anything! ;-)

Fingers crossed for a lovely day, be sure to enjoy it!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

'Si & Beth'

6 Rounds for time and reps of: Double Unders One partner will perform 50 wall balls while the other does as many DUs as possible. Once 50 wall balls have been completed, athletes will switch. From the first minute and thorough the WoD both athletes will perform 3 burpees on the minute, every minute.

Where possible teams are to be mixed and using the same wall ball. (20lbs)

Please post times and reps to comments....