You need to record your WoD time to see if you are getting fitter. Fitness is defined as work capacity across broad time and modal domains. I want to see a decrease in your times and an increase in your rounds and reps, along with an increase in all that you can lift. You should be making a note of what time you get, weights you lift everyday. However, if you don't want to record every time then no bother, but get a list of your times for all of the benchmarks; the girls! Here is an opportunity for you to get your first or update your current!!
Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: 3 Rounds not for time of:
15s Handstand Hold 15 Good mornings (20/15kg Barbell) 15 Strict Press (20/15kg Barbell)
B: "Diane"
21 - 15 - 9 Deadlift (225/155lbs) Handstand Push Up
Nothing else, this is benchmark girl night! Warm up and get after this as fast as you possibly can! This is going to be a test of your fitness. Are you getting better or do we need to work on something in order for you to do so!
No messing around, no strategies; go as hard as you can from the word "GO" and hang on!! Good luck!