Friday the 13th!! So what you should do is just walk under every ladder you find, smash a few mirrors for shits and giggles and let a black cat cross your path (?? or is that good luck). Alternatively you could just pay no attention to the superstitious rubbish and get on with your day!! I have a treat for you guys today, bring your A game as 2 of the finest coaches not just in Europe, but in the world will be joining me to coach you guys through the 6pm class. Make an extra special effort to attend if you can!! These two have gone through an extremely rigorous selection process which of those who apply, currently only 12% pass. Basically...they know their shit!
Danny Watson and Rob Lawson will be making you move like ninjas and keeping you true to that intensity, threshold speed. Right where everything sucks!! GET.IN!!
Reebok CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
A: 3 Rounds not for time of:
5 KB Swings 10 Ring Rows 30 Double Unders
B: 10mins of Pull Up Technique and kipping pull up progressions
C: In a "You go, I go" format complete the following:
12 rounds for time of:
40 Double Unders 20 KB Swings (24/16kg) 10 Pull Ups
3min cap per round, 36min cap for the entire WoD.
If each round of the above is not completed within 3mins then the athlete who has just finished will have to complete any remaining reps as burpees whilst their partner continues to work