So guys, this week I have a significant "treat" for you guys! All of the workouts that I program are coming from CrossFit Games athletes, starting today with a workout programmed by none other than the champ, Rich Froning Jnr. Enjoy guys, it's fun!! PS: I had to scale this back, just to try and maintain the correct speed. There will be a 16min time cap. Look out for tomorrow night's blog, i'll tell you Rich's time!
Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: 3 Rounds not for time of:
15 Hip Extension Rest 60s 10 Back Extension Rest 60s
B: 10 Rounds for time of:
Sprint 100m (50m out/50m back) 3 Clean* and Push Jerk (110/75kg)
*any style of clean is cool.
16min Time Cap
Austin Malleolo - 11:13 Davs - 13:34 (maybe 11 rounds, scaled to 102.5kg) Rich Froning - TO BE RELEASED
C: Try not to die!!