Reebok CrossFit Cardiff

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WoD - Thursday 5th June 2014

So I had a phone call from none other than Michaela Breeze M.B.E this morning, and she asked me to pass on a message.... But before I do, i'd just like to publicly congratulate her for officially making the Welsh Commonwealth Olympic lifting team. Congratulation Michaela, utterly and thoroughly well deserved! So then...

She wanted to apologise for her lack of coaching lately, obviously she has been extremely busy! And now that she has broken the British snatch record and has generally been being a bad ass, she needs to train like a demon in order to kick butt and win gold!! This means though that she will not be able to coach for us until midway through August. But don't fear, she is coming back, and with vengeance!

Mick, for the last time I would just like to pass on the best of luck from the entire box as I know I speak for all of them when I say that you are incredibly well respected and loved by everyone, we all think that you are a bad ass and can't wait for you to bring that gold home to where it belongs!

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: For 10mins work on squat therapy

B: Back Squat

1 - 30, 1 - 20, 1 - 30

Take the time to build to a 1RM, perform that rep and then strip the load to what you think that you can do for 30 in the first set, 20 in the second and 30 in the 3rd. These second portions of the sets are unbroken.


For time:

Run 800m Rest 3mins Run 400m

I want two all out efforts. As fast as you possibly can and get a time for both the 800 and 400.

Please post loads and times to comments....