The summer is officially here, although it is supposed to piss it with rain tomorrow (today)! An amazing weekend was had by all that attended the "Bro and Ho" down; the extremely well organised event...good job Bradder's! Hat goes off! He managed to contain his emotions and not lose his rag, significantly, with anyone aside from his own barbell!! Which he showed who was boss by aggressively smashing with his man hips on multiple occasions throughout a 7 minute period! I was stoked to see so many of you legends rock up for a nutritional chat this afternoon, done so in true legitimate fashion; outside in the sun! I would like to thank Woody "The Roackstar" Woodster for handing me a wrapped paleo treat just as I explained that every seems to think Paleo is an excuse to make delicious treats and not actually eat well! Which neither survived the drive home nor was of paleo origin in the slightest! It took a seriously informed decision to eat said treats and some well directed strength of mind to convince myself that it was indeed good for me! At least I wasn't massively hung over like the rest of you!
Having said all of the above, i cannot proceed onto giving you what you are all wanting (tomorrows WoD) without thanking Mr Anderson's (Matt Groves) true commitment to my little lecture, display by him keeping his haribo contained with the carrying bag that sported the remainder of his hang over cure! Thanks mate, for not taking the absolute piss!! ;-)
Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: Spend 10mins working on Squat therapy
B: For time:
30 OH KB walking lunges (R hand) (24/20kg) 15 CTB Pull Ups 30 OH KB walking lunges (L hand) (24/20kg) 15 CTB Pull Ups 20 OH KB walking lunges (R hand) (24/20kg) 10 CTB Pull Ups 20 OH KB walking lunges (L hand) (24/20kg) 10 CTB Pull Ups 10 OH KB walking lunges (R hand) (24/20kg) 5 CTB Pull Ups 10 OH KB walking lunges (L hand) (24/20kg) 5 CTB Pull Ups
C:3 Sets of: 15 Hip extensions (if you feel good enough then please attempt Hip/back extension, only if form allows) Rest 60 seconds 12 Glute/ham raises Rest 60 seconds
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