Excuse the late post tonight guys, i know you like to look at what you are getting yourselves into tomorrow. It wasn't intentional due to the WoD and the history you lot have with cherry picking it...so don't cherry pick it! If you don't remember what happened last time, well 2 people showed up for this WoD and completed it. The following evening 25 people showed up for heavy deadlifts; guess what happened!? There were 2 people deadlifting and the rest of you cherry picking bitches cracked on with 'KELLY'!!
Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: 3 Rounds not for time of:
15 Medicine Ball Cleans (20/14lbs) 60 Single Unders 10 Press Ups
This is your warm up, use it to prep a explosive hip extension in the med ball cleans, warm the ankles for jumping during the single unders and shoulders during the press ups.
B: 'Kelly'
5 Rounds for time of: Run 400m 30 Box Jumps (24/20") 30 Wall Balls (20/14lbs)
25min time cap
C: 3 sets of:
15 Hip Extensions Rest 60s 15 Back Extensions Rest 60s
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