There isn't much banter going on the blog for the next few days. The team is at regionals and Davs is too busy controlling Estrogen levels and worrying about packing hair curlers! Not quite sure those suckers are going to make you hang snatch heavier or handstand walk further, but we are going to look seriously 80s at the after party!! Reebok CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD
A: Coach B Warm up/technique drills
B: Within 8mins establish a 1RM Power Clean, each. Total score is the sum of the two heaviest lifts.
C: 'Partner DT'
10 Rounds for time of:
12 Deadlifts (70/50kg) 9 Hang Power Cleans (70/50kg) 6 STOH (70/50kg)
One partner works while the other rests, each athlete will complete 5 rounds. Athletes can only swap once a full round has been completed.
Please post times and loads to comments....