Ok guys, Dan (AKA the ninja) will be at the box for the next few nights chatting to you guys and having a look at your moves! Make sure you impress! ;-) The room which is by the gym floor, with the foam matting that you lot just love to tear up to get your natural vitamin D, is being transformed into a therapy room. You are going to love it! If we break you on the dance floor, we will be able to fix you again. This Saturday, from 09:00 - 10:30 (thats in the AM for those of you who aren't up to speed with your 24hr clocks), there will be a Squat Clinic taking place at the gym. Dan is planning on running you through skills and drills, specific to your movement, as well as more generic fixes depending on whether or not there are lots of common faults.

Starting at the foundation, the air squat, we can build stronger movement patterns, allowing you ultimately to lift heavier, run faster and look better naked!! Who wouldn't want that?

Following on from this clinic will be a rotation workshop. Being strong in this domain will allow you to be far stronger when you are moving in the much more familiar sagittal plane.

Squat Clinic will be limited to 10 people, first come first serve. And is at a cost of £10 per person. Get in fast! Message Davs to reserve your spot.

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Coach B Warm up Between each movement either run 200m or Row 250m

B: Perform each Couplet for time:

15 - 12 - 9 Power Cleans (45/35kg) Bar Facing Burpees Rest 5mins

15 - 12 - 9 STOH (45/35kg) Pull Ups Rest 5mins

15 - 12 - 9 Front Squats (45/35kg) Box Jumps (20")

There is a 4 minute time cap for each couplet. They are all out sprints. Scale as appropriate for that response.