So the new stash is in and you all know the old saying..."no glove, no love!" Well the same applies..."no cash, no stash!!" Prices are as follows:

T-Shirts - £20 Hoodies - £35 Vests - £15

I've been getting messages from you guys all night about your Fran PBs, fricking awesome!! Well done to all, now let's do it for 'Grace!'

Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A: Warm up: 3 Rounds for time of: 3 Dumbell Snatch (Each Arm - 45/35lbs) 7 Burpees 10 Box Jumps (20")

Focus on opening the hips during this warm up, squeeze your butts hard!

B: EMOM 5mins

3 Touch and go GTOH (70/50kg)

Ensure efficiency of movement here. It is designed to be heavier, but not take more than 7-10s to complete. Scale if you have to but make sure that this load is more than that for part C

You should move quickly and get the barbell straight off your chest to overhead from the receiving position of the power clean.

C: "Grace"

For time: 30 GTOH (60/42.5 - 135/95lbs)
