Come and learn Olympic lifting from the best, continue to build on your skills if you have already been on the course, it's open to everyone. Michaela will be teaching a 6 week course starting on the Thursday 23rd of January at 6pm. Be coached by the best in the country, who wouldn't want that? £40 for 6 weeks. Contact a coach by email, phone or comment on the Facebook page post. Payment will be taken up front in order to reserve your spot.
Don't miss out!!
Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: Spend 15mins working on a gymnastic skill of your choice
B: EMOM for 12mins:
3 Power Cleans (Touch & Go) 2 STOH
C: 3 Rounds for form of:
15 Hip Extensions Rest 60s 10 Hip & Back Extensions Rest 60s 5 Strict TTB (legs to be as straight as possible)
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