WoD - Monday 6th January 2014
What an amazing weekend of painting! Apart from discovering skin still covered in grey paint regularly, all is good! The new gaff is looking legit! One more coat on one wall (the big f**ker) downstairs and it'll be done. Next is to magnolia out the upstairs. Thank you all for your help, i'd still be there now - having not left - had it not been for the hard working types that you are! Anyway, so down to business. Gronow has given me Double D's address. Everyone who knows him must screen shot this page and text it to him. That way when we all arrive unannounced at 03 he, nor anyone else in his household, will have a leg to stand on. The only way he can stop it is if he makes an appearance at the box. If the latter happens then I will need a picture, of Double D, stood by the squat rack about to squat, holding a copy of today's paper. The kind of tabloid is not of concern, don't judge, just the date to confirm no Tom Foolery has occurred.
Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WoD
A: For time:
9 - 15 - 21
TTB Thruster (35/25kg)
Rest 5mins
B: For time:
21 - 15 - 9
Hang Power Snatch (35/25kg) Burpees