So guys, just to be clear what's happening with regards to Lift Up Luke. As a box, we are hosting the WOD. Which means that everyone who wants to participate has to click onto the massive link on our home page, or here, in order to register for the workout. There is an optional donation to the cause, as well as the option to buy a t-shirt.
CrossFit gyms all over the world are doing this and it would be super cool if as a box, we could raise a ton of cash for the charity.
The date is Saturday the 19th of October. The WOD will be performed in heats, following a warm up, with a judge per athlete.
Please sign up to this guys, even if it's just to get a seriously hard WOD in! ;-)
Reebok CrossFit Cardiff WOD
Overhead Squat
5 - 5 - 5 - 5 - 5
2 Rounds each for time:
Sprint 25m Sprint 50m Sprint 75m Sprint 100m
Rest 3mins
Please post loads and times to comments......