It's Jess Whiteman's birthday today so we have devised a wod especially for her. We were going to do a wod for Capt Douchebag Ryan's birthday last weekend but then realised that nobody likes him. I am of course joking, we were never going to do one for him.
Jess is one of the loviest and funniest members any box could possibly have and has an enormous capacity for cake that even Coach Jon envies (it's not even her offical birthday yet and the cake count is already up to 3!!)
Happy birthday Jeff!! CAKE!!!!
Jeff's BDay WOD:
Buy in: 84 Cal Row
- then - 3 rounds of: 9 Pull Ups (Chest To Bar for men, Chin over bar for women) 29 Plate GTOH (20kg/15kg)
Cash out: EAT CAKE!!!