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WoD - Wednesday 9th October, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 9th October, 2019

Guess what, a Tabata snatch hurts like living hell! Anyone else secure their fate during the first round? Ouch!

I’ve got nothing else for you, life currently hurts way too much! Luckily it’s hump day tomorrow, get over that and you are on your way to goodness.
Please remember that the box is closed this weekend for the L1. And so, utterly destroy yourselves on 20.1 this Friday night, and earn a couple of days off.

Guesses to 20.1 on a post card please!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
75 Double Unders
21 - 15 - 9
Hang power clean (60/40kg)
Toes To Bar
75 Double Unders

Genuinely, if you can still hold a pen, please write your times to the whiteboard…
