Who wanted the season of spring anyway?! I'd much prefer to freeze my ass off the entire time! Another massive middle finger to the British weather system.
Anyway, we shall not let it break us, we shall carry on regardless. Forget about the ice, and get excited about a little event that we have coming up.
On the bank holiday weekend, on Saturday the 31st of March, we will be having an end of open throw down; with a slightly differing format.
Each team, Green (clearly the best), red and blue will have to complete a number of workouts and tasks within a continuously running timeframe. For example, and the real workouts will be released ahead of time for team captains to plan:
1 hour running clock:
Min 0 - 15: 3 Team members will establish a 3RM Clean
Min 15 - 25: 3 Team members will run as many 400m repeats as possible
Min 25 - 40:****
The above is merely an example, but written to give an idea of what is to come. Team Captains can decide on which of their teammates should take part in each section, the only rule is that everyone should do something.
3...2...1...go will be at 11am, as per the normal class time, and so you should plan to arrive a little earlier for a warm up. I will look to be finished at 1pm.
Following the event, we shall screen the brand new CrossFit Feature film, "The Redeemed and the Dominant" eat food, drink beer and frolic; almost certainly resulting in a few folk (especially Melski) going out out. GET EXCITED and look out for a facebook event.
CrossFit Cardiff WoD
3 Rounds each for time:
15/12 Cal Bike
10m DB Lunges (front rack)
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
10m DB Lunges (front rack - 50/35lbs)
Rest 5mins between rounds
Please write you individual round times to the whiteboard once you are able to function yet again.