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WoD - Thursday 16th November, 2023

WoD - Thursday 16th November, 2023

A cheeky bit of strength and a cheeky bit of sprinting!

Start heavy, get heavier. Start fast, stay fast!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Strict press
3 - 3 - 3
Build load with each set

3 Rounds each for time:
Run 400m
Rest 3 mins between rounds

For 8 rounds, every 1:30 minutes
2 Squat snatch, 2 second pause at the knee

For 5 rounds, every minute
1 Hang squat snatch

3 Sets
6  Push press
6 Wide grip strict pull ups

WoD - Wednesday 23rd October, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 23rd October, 2019

I was actually writing yesterday’s blog having not yet done 20.2, and so had no idea what I was actually talking about…ish!

Guess what, it sucked and…left its mark. Embarrassingly so when attempting to walk a dog in public, the little bugger dragging me off my feet and causing excessive plantar flexion (link) and a strange facial expression. Wuoldn’t it be wonderful if everyone just understood, without even having to say the words twenty point two. They just saw the pain in your face, your uneasy gait and didn’t look twice when you were walking backwards down the stairs.

Instead they ask…”are you ok?” “What have you done?” The next 5 minutes is more awkward than the build up, trying to fine a way to explain what CrossFit is; a double under'; dumbbell thruster and toes to bar.
Forget it. Just respond with…”what are you doing tomorrow night at 5:30?”

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Okay, now pay attention, as I shall say this only once…

With a continuously running clock:
00:00 - 03:00: Max distance handstand walk (5m blocks)
03:00 - 13:00: Set a 2 Rep Max Deadlift

13:00 - 18:00: Rest 

18:00 - 26:00
For this 8 minute period, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
1/3 of the distance completed in the handstand walk
8 Deadlift (@50% of above)

E.g. if an athlete completes 12 lengths of the HSW they perform 4 in the AMRAP. If they deadlift 120kg for a double, they do 60 for 8.

If you can figure out what to write up on the whiteboard, go nuts…


WoD - Wednesday 24th July, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 24th July, 2019

Holy British Summer time Batman! Who needs to go on holiday?! Just head to the box and do a vile workout with max rep burpees…after you’ve caned yourself on an assault bike and caught a wall ball or two with your face. Beautiful!

No dramas though, tomorrow you have a dedicated strength day, get hot and sweaty lifting heavy arsed loads and remember…PB’s in red and…don’t moan about the weather, it’ll be fracking freezing before you know it!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 30mins
Establish a 1RM Squat Snatch

Loads up to the whiteboard please team…PB’s in RED!


WoD - Wednesday 8th May, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 8th May, 2019

I have literally no idea what to write about.

Typically, I write these posts in the heat of the moment, so when I have seen a workout gone down and know just what folk looked like, if they suffered…blah blah! Usually, picking on some poor sole who went entirely chicken oriental in the first round and utterly wrecked themselves in true, gold old fashion, CrossFit spirit (all in the name of banter you understand)!
However, it is currently Saturday night, and I am in a hotel room in Manchester with a cup of tea (super cool I know), having absolutely no idea how much the last two days brutalised you all. I can only guess.


Anyway, it’s test day! We need a mark in the sand for what’s to come. And so…have at it!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 30 minutes:
1RM back squat

Back squat.jpg

WoD - Tuesday 7th May, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 7th May, 2019

I just wish I could’ve been able to see your lovely faces when you were fighting your way through that workout yesterday! Surely it was nothing short of wonderful, and expertly booted your hang overs firmly back to where they came from. Or…made you feel way worse!

By the way. I am not programming these hideous workouts from afar and forcing you to do them, nope…it’s all Ash. As you can tell by todays WoD…classic Ash!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

A Within 5 minutes, complete as many rounds and reps as possible of:
50 Double Unders
10 Toes To Bar
Rest 5 mins
B Perform part A, for time.


WoD - Wednesday 17th April, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 17th April, 2019

The word on the streets is that you guys are all seriously missing the assault bikes, and everyday, spend a significant amount of time wishing…preying that the coaching team of CrossFit Cardiff would just include them into the workout every single day!

Well, your wait is nearly at an end. Because tomorrow, we will answer those calls, those pleas…we will don the ass bike for another time, and show the f**ker who is boss!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds of:
Within 2 minutes:
25/17 Calorie Assault Bike
In remaining time:
As many rounds and reps as possible of:
5 Hang Power Clean (60/40kg)
20 Air Squats
Rest 4 mins between rounds, continue with the AMRAP where you left off.

Stand up, thank the coach for such a wonderful workout and please write one total number of rounds and reps to the whiteboard…

ASS Bike.jpg

WoD - Friday 12th April, 2019

WoD - Friday 12th April, 2019

Well they said the heat wave would begin mid April and last 3 months, and I am poised ready to go. Let’s hope that weather man Mr Fish is not full of as much sh*t as he was when he reassured the British public that there was definitely NOT going to be a hurricane on the south coast of the UK; all those years ago!

Anyway, if I have to ride my bike across town with 5kg of frozen dog meat in a rucksack again in the meantime I may well go down with hypothermia!

Last one of the week!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

10 - 10 - 10 - 10 
8 - 8 - 8 - 8
Back Rack Walking Lunge*

These are supersets, meaning that you go straight from a set of lunges to a set of deadlifts. Wave goodbye to your hamstrings and get your loads up on the board please…

*Progress in load throughout all sets so long as technique allows. 
*Same weight throughout all deadlift sets, touch and go reps with minimal de-loading (bumpers just graze the floor).


WoD - Tuesday 9th April, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 9th April, 2019

PBs alice oover the platts (all over the place)…? thought so! Weird how this CrossFit stuff works hey?!

Today, we dedicate our workout to Fadi. Having experienced some difficult news recently I was told that something like this might cheer him up a little; maybe put that well known smile (cheeky grin) back on his face. And that is all that is intended by this post. 

Fadi my friend, you are the centre of every party, a kind and selfless man, and you deserve good things in your life. If you ever need anything in a time of need well you know just where to come. 


CrossFit Cardiff WoD

10 rounds for time of:
Sprint 100 meters
10 Toes To Bar
Sprint 100 meters
10 Burpees
Rest 30 seconds

Please hit this wod hard and get your time up on the board, loud and proud…


WoD - Tuesday 2nd April, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 2nd April, 2019

How are those rope burns team?! Be smart and wear a sleeve. Even though chicks dig scars, they don’t particularly appreciate infected, puss leaking scabs! Use protection! 😉

Right then tape your thumbs, get those knee sleeves out, wrap your wrists and put two lines of chalk under your eyes before donning your Oakley’s…you’re going to need them all! It’s 1 Rep Max day…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 30 Minutes, establish a
1 Rep Max Clean and Jerk

WHEN you through a hugely higher load than you ever have before over your head…get it written up in red please…

WoD - Wednesday 27th March, 2019

WoD - Wednesday 27th March, 2019

What an amazing day for getting your butts out in the sunshine, hanging out (maybe with your wangers out) but definitely on cool things like motorbikes, or in (or outside) CrossFit gyms playing with rugby balls, spike balls or maybe a dude of a puppy!?
Obviously after you have smashed the living hell out of yourselves with a workout of course. And what better than to do one named after one of your all time favourite folk?

Now I could spend a significant amount of time waffling on about how much of a stud Hannah is, but none of you really have a spare few hours to read it all.
She’s cool, hot as hell, loves people and helping them, kicks butt on open workouts and can make a pretty decent cup of tea! You all love her, but likely a little less after this…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
30 - 20 - 10
10 - 20 - 30
Pull ups
Power clean (50/35kg)

Stagger over to the whiteboard and record your blistering scores with your blistered hands…

I’m sure Conroy has a “better” picture of Han somewhere

I’m sure Conroy has a “better” picture of Han somewhere

WoD - Tuesday 26th March, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 26th March, 2019

Hands up if anyone else is now feeling the full effects of 19.5? In the last hour, my left lat attachment has seemingly caught fire, perhaps it is spontaneously combusting!? Who knows, but it does not feel okay!

We continue the week’s dedicated workouts with one named after Melski, and luckily for you lot she just loves a slut drop. Unfortunately, this is not a joke!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

3 rounds, each for time:
10 Thrusters (45/35kg)
15 Bar Hop Burpees 
10 Thrusters (45/35kg)
15 Bar Hop Burpees
Rest 4 mins between rounds

Please ensure that you punch Conners straight in the chops, en route to the whiteboard…


WoD - Monday 4th March, 2019

WoD - Monday 4th March, 2019

Insane that we programmed 16.2 the other week? Or did we know?! Even worse that I did pretty much the exact same movements in a workout on Thursday, win win! Plenty of practice at least!
Now remember, YOU have to submit YOUR scores (funny that) and YOU have to do it by 10pm on Monday night so that I can validate them in time for you to dominate the Open for your roads to the games!

Fingers crossed the majority of you have completed the workout as you will not be wanting to do it with the massive hang overs that you have hey!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Back rack walking lunge
12 - 12 - 12 - 12

Lift as heavily as technique will allow and get those loads to the whiteboard…
