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run 200m

WoD - Monda 1st October, 2018

WoD - Monda 1st October, 2018

It is going to take me a minute to reflect on that, I am genuinely struggling for words!

It was perfect!

All I can speak of at the minute is the last rep, in silence, with utter selflessness from the wonderful coaches, and in front of such an amazingly support group of people.
The whole month led up to that one rep, the respect paid to those who made the ultimate sacrifice was just right.

Thank you to all who came to support, who donated to help raise over £3000 and who came to perform any of the brutal workouts programmed throughout the month of September. It meant a huge amount to me and the team, we couldn't have done it without you.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds For Time:
Run 200m
25 Press Ups
25 Sumo Deadlift High Pull (35/25kg)

Please write times to the whiteboard…


WoD - Monday 18th December, 2017

Well...I told you! Absolute carnage! But soooooo much fun! Vague memories of crowds surrounding Conroy, chanting..."Conroy, Conroy, Conroy!!!" have been re-visiting me throughout the day. And they say we are a cult! 
Some serious shapes were bust on the dance floor and Ash managed to grind up against the male vocalist for the majority of his second set. Which by the way, he was not impressed by! 

I seriously hope that you had an amazing night. It has been a privilege to be with you all throughout 2017 and to work alongside the greatest coaching team around. Utter legends.

If any of you have any pictures of you all looking so fricking dapper, then please post them to IG and tag @reebokcrossfitcardiff

Now back to the week, the last chance to smash yourself properly before the silly season takes full control...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD  

For 5 rounds, complete an EMOM of:
1: 20/15 Cal Row
2: Run 200m
3: 50 Double Unders
4: 15 Burpees
5: Rest

Please post a tick to comments if you are able to complete every min...

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WoD - Wednesday 15th November, 2017

Any of you with a keen eye would have noticed that I stole half of your weeks fitness away from you; telling you that it was Thursday and not Tuesday. Sorry. I am now dialled back in and now where I am and more specifically, when I'm here. 

So that was another F***ING cool night...weird! The Partner League WoD 3 kicked a few of you in the ass; just as it was designed to. Amazing effort and energy put forth by all. Get those scores in teams, shake that leaderboard up. 

Only one workout remains before the final. Now if you think PLWoD3 burned, then you are going to LOOOOOOVE the forth! 

In the meantime, I am pleased to give you a chance to develop your capacity on our most favourite peace of kit...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

5 Rounds of: within a 2min window:
Run 200m
50 Double Unders
Max Cal AB. 
Rest 5mins

After you have punched Ash in the baby maker, please post scores to the whiteboard... 


WoD - Wednesday 30th August, 2017

Apparently, getting smashed approximately 30s after finishing a gnarly workout is a bad idea, turns out. The two-day hang over has nothing to do with age, but correct hydration and recovery, clearly. 

Regardless, it doesn't bode well for lunging heavy assed barbells. Ah well. Tomorrow is a hang over free day! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
30 Muscle Ups
Each time you break, run 200m. 

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