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WoD - Monday 6th January, 2020

WoD - Monday 6th January, 2020

Guess who’s back…your favourite, resident Ginger Ninja, ASHWELL!!

From tomorrow morning, he will be again, creeping around the gym floor, with his new respect for winter, fresh from a month away and ready to coach the shit out of you all. With a lot of you returning to work tomorrow, this will be a bright (literally with his bald, sun dodging head) spot on the horizon.

What a ledge!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

6 Rounds for max calories, within 2 minutes:
20 Ab mat/GHD sit ups*
Max cal row

*alternate each round - 3 rounds of each

Scores per round, on the board please team…

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WoD - Monday 5th August, 2019

WoD - Monday 5th August, 2019

Diversion and confusion are powerful tools, testing commitment and mindset. It was a classic “trick” used by the military…following a brutal load carry, often over distances averaging 15 miles while carrying close to 60kg, completely exhausted and wet through. A 4 tonne truck would come into view, just ahead in a lay-by, and like a beacon of morale lads would speed up; knowing that this vehicle was the gate way to dry clothes, warm fluffy beds (maybe not) and hot food.
But, on approaching the driver starts up his engine and buggers off! Reactions are closely monitored, some are utterly stoic, nod and say…”no problem.” While some grown men throw legitimate tantrums. Like children, they sit down on the floor and give up. Potentially “good lads”, extremely fit and amazing soldiers. It’s not enough.
As the All Blacks say…”good people make good All Blacks.”

There is a point behind all this…

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For Time: 
500m Row
30 Bar Hop Burpees

Please put times up to the whiteboard…

4 tonner.jpg

WoD - Tuesday 28th August, 2018

WoD - Tuesday 28th August, 2018

Get back in, fresh and well rested from an additional day off rather than a 3 day hang over, Maybe some of you guys won't actually be in until this time next week, but its all cool. 

Thank you to everyone who came to the box for my stinker of a Birthday workout, and to the Sadistic mind of Ash, the creator. The sweat was definitely real! Who doesn't like a 36min AMRAP. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

'The Ghost'
6 Rounds:
1 Minute of Rowing
1 Minute of Burpees
1 Minute of Double Unders
1 Minute rest

The goal is to complete as many reps of each movement as possible. Rather that go nuts on the double unders as you know you can get the score up. 

Post a separate total score for each movement to the whiteboard...

The ghost.jpg

WoD - Friday 20th April, 2018

WoD - Friday 20th April, 2018

Once you have stopped walking around with as minimal plantar flexion as possible, have burnt yourself into a crisp, come on into the gym and smash yourself silly, ready for another banging weekend! Maybe this one will be spent on Mill Lane drinking in the sunshine, guns out ready to get another...because they will! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

‘Jackie’s dick of a mate'
Row 1000
50 Thrusters (40/30kg)
30 Bar Muscle ups

Please get your funky and fast Friday times down on the board prior to heading out to get smashed! 

Stolen from Matt Swift, via CrossFit Roots

I ran into Swifty while travelling back from Denver last week, he was clearly less hung over than me and so had gone to CrossFit Roots to train. The gym owned by former CrossFit HQ Seminar Staff Flowmaster, Nicole Christiensen, is a long standing affiliate, famed for professionalism and excellence.
Swifty, also a HQ Seminar Staff Flowmaster (we were at a flowmaster meeting) and also Master's Games Athlete, told me about it...I immediately smiled an evil smile. At signifiant altitude, he completed the WoD sub 12, at the young age of 48. Can any of you beat him??

The only thing that I have changed about this workout is the name, if they named it at Roots, it certainly would've been less offensive! ;-) 


WoD - Thursday 8th March, 2018

WoD - Thursday 8th March, 2018

It sucks to be injured and miss out on all that fun! However, watching people like Matt Parry climb into the hurt locker warms my soul! 
As well as those people, who genuinely can only be described as heroes, who selflessly refrain from training so that they are able to put themselves into such a position, that they can capture such utter genius such as... 


Coupled with a partner in crime who is a ninja on photoshop, and you have a powerful combination. 

Return of the dumbbell...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

4 Rounds for time of:
Run 800m
8 Dumbbell  Overhead Walking lunge (left hand)
16 TTB
8 Dumbbell Overhead Walking lunge (right hand) 
2 x 50/35lbs Dumbbells are RX'd.

Go hard please, and scribe your times legibly to the whiteboard once you have stopped sizzling like a piece of bacon...
