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WoD - Saturday 7th January 2017

A rare Saturday workout posting for you guys. Usually reserved as a special surprise but tomorrow we have a special opportunity to help the wider CrossFit community.

Rachel Park unexpectedly passed away on the 27th of December leaving behind her husband and their 9 month old triplet daughters. They were recently in the news about being home in time for Christmas.
Bill Swampy Moore and CrossFit No Ego are running a fund raising WoD to raise money for their family at this terrible time. 
Please come to the gym and help out, anything that you can give would be very much appreciated. If you can't be there but would like to donate something, please click here

Alex and Phil will be leading the workout, so please come and help them out. 
See you Monday legends...

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

'Park Triplets'

AMRAP 3mins
3 Power Cleans (50/30kg)
6 Goblet Squats (24/16kg Kettlebell)
9 Hand Release Press Ups

Rest 60s

AMRAP 6mins
3 Power Snatch (50/30kg)
6 Burpees
9 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

Rest 60s

AMRAP 9mins
3 Clean and jerk (50/30kg)
6 Pull Ups
9 Ab Mat Sit Ups

Rest 60s

3 Rounds for time of:
Run 400m
39 Back Squats (50/30kg)

Please post total reps and total time, including rest to comments...