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WoD - Monday 3rd December, 2018

WoD - Monday 3rd December, 2018

With the Xmas party rapidly approaching, I am looking for some help, we need to crown the 2018 Members Member.

But, for those of you who weren’t here last year…I have to tell you the what it’s all about.

Towards the end of each Royal Marines recruit troop, the lads vote for who amongst them, should be awarded the Commando Medal. The Commando Medal is awarded to the man who has demonstrated throughout training, to an outstanding degree, the Commando qualities and Commando spirit. 
Cheerfulness In The Face of Adversity 

These are qualities that I see in you lot every single day, and is one of the biggest driving forces behind CrossFit Cardiff as well as my passion for CrossFit. The positive affect that they have on everyone around them cannot be underestimated.
I would like you to vote for the gym's members member. Our example of The Commando Medal. The person who has demonstrated passion and the care for others. Take your time and think about it, think outside of the box, maybe not just the person who has been there for you, but for everyone.

I am going to leave a glass jar at reception, along with paper and a pen. Please, as you walk into the gym, take a few seconds to write a name down, screw up the piece of paper and pop it in. 

It will be available from Monday evening and the winner will be announced on the Xmas doo. Get voting please team!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For 5 Rounds
Within 3 minutes climb as high as possible within the ladder of:
5/5, 10/10, 15/15 and so on, of:
Calorie Row

Rest for 6 minutes between rounds, continue where you left off from the previous round.

Sprint through each 3 minute window and write your last completed round and partial reps to the whiteboard…


WoD - Thursday 30th August, 2018

WoD - Thursday 30th August, 2018

Nancy was more than just 'naughty'...she was a total bitch! There are no surprises there though hey! Just to throw a mere bit of perspective your way, below are the top male and female times of those utter nut cases from this event during the 2013 CrossFit Games:

Josh Bridges: 16:31 (Don't know him!)
Kaleena Ladeairous: 1646 (BEAST!)

Now, I have some important info about the coming month, previously posted yet now added to...

Throughout the recent Iraq and Afghanistan campaigns, the UK lost a huge amount of servicemen and women, unfortunately, many of whom went seamlessly unnoticed. The media reported on the goings on, yet so many of these lives were forgotten about almost immediately. 
Until you are in that world, it is very difficult to attempt to understand how it feels. These selfless heroes laying down their lives, fighting not to defend their country from bombing raids or invasions, but for each other. 
When searching for the definition of Camaraderie I found this..."mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together." In no way does that come close to describing the bond formed between soldiers. A Google for Military Camaraderie arrives far closer to the mark with... "There is nothing in the civilian workforce that can approximate the bonding that occurs in wartime. ... It follows therefore that finding the military version of camaraderie in a civilian occupation is almost impossible."... Quite possibly then, no words will suffice? Surely though, when confronted with such extreme environments, to protect one another is merely human nature? Like a mother or father protecting their children?

I may have fallen well short of the mark, attempting to describe this to you all, but what I do know is that I witness a part of it everyday. The support offered to each other throughout a tough workout, the shared suffering, binds people together like no amounts of bicep curls or calf raises every would. Did you ever wonder why you find so many friends at the gym?

I want to give back. On the 29th of September, at 11:00 the Trainers will begin a 24 hour event. In pairs, we will complete 633 Clean and Jerks, loading to be dictated by an average body weight per pair. One rep for each life. We have 24 hours to finish. 
Even though the full 24 hours is reserved for the team, on the day there will be various different ways in which you will all be able to take part. 

The Royal Marines pride themselves on peak physical performance and unbreakable mental resilience. Commando Training is almost entirely centred around a final hurdle; The Commando Tests. Four extremely difficult feats which not only test the fitness of the recruit, but also simply his ability to endure pain. Developed from the start, the Commando qualities are fully engrained into most by this stage and are exactly what, allows these young men to succeed: 

Courage, Determination, Unselfishness and Cheerfulness in the face of Adversity

Yet, these tests attempted separately, without the cumulative affect of the 30 week Commando Course are entirely doable. The 633 Event is no different. However, it too is placed at the end of a significant challenge. 

Each workout posted in the month of September, programmed for Monday - Saturday, will be a hero WoD. Most of these will be named after fallen Royal Marines, yet others from different services will be posted, each for good reason.
These workout will be hard, every single one of them. They will make you sore and challenge your body. Be careful and don't you be a hero. If you need to rest, do so. If you feel any kind of niggle then back off, listen to the team and scale when told to do so.
You will not necessarily get fitter during this month, and that is not our intention. You may have to perform the same movement two days in a row. You may work for long periods of time and feel significant discomfort as a result. Do NOT add additional workouts, train twice a day and be sure to rest when needed. 

We have the month of September to raise as much money as possible. Destined for the Royal Marines Charity, they will be sending the funds to Reorg. A Foundation who's mission is to help any Royal Marine, serving or veteran, suffering with the after effects caused by these brutal campaigns.  

The Just giving page is live, and ready for you to donate...

Please, do what you can. Various mini events will take place throughout September, get stuck in and help us to raise money for those who desperately deserve it. 

To get the ball rolling, where possible, we are requesting a £1 donation, in a bucket at the gym, per person, per hero workout attended. If this is something you are able to do then thank you.

We start on Saturday

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Complete as many rounds and reps within 20 minutes of:
10 Calorie Assault bike
10 GHD Sit Ups
10 Handstand Push Ups
10 Kettlebell Swings (24/16kg)

Please post rounds and reps to the whiteboard...


WoD - Monday 20 February 2017

Shortly before 12:15 hrs on the 20th February, 2008, local time Corporal Damian Mulvihill was taking part in a joint ISAF - ANA patrol engaged in operations near Sangin. The marines of Alpha Company were conducting a clearance patrol to deter Taliban intimidation of local Afghans. It was during this action that an Improvised Explosive Device was detonated, which sadly killed Corporal Mulvihill instantly. He died leading his section and the Company from the front. Corporal Damian ‘Dee’ Mulvihill was born on 5 June 1975 and was from Plymouth. He joined the Royal Marines on 20 September 1998 and completed commando training despite contracting septicaemia towards the end. After passing out of recruit training, ‘Dee’ joined 42 Commando Royal Marines where he took part in numerous deployments around the world as well as taking part in OP PALLISER and OP SILKMAN in Sierra Leone and OP BANNER in Northern Ireland.

During his time at 42 Commando he was promoted to Lance Corporal. He then joined Air Defence Troop in 2002 and completed his specialist training before being promoted to Corporal in December 2003. On completion of his service with the United Kingdom Landing Force Command Support Group, based at Stonehouse Barracks in his home town of Plymouth, he joined Alpha Company, 40 Commando Royal Marines in April 2006.

‘Dee’ was a giant of a man who impressed all who met him. Ever cheerful, he would never allow problems to get him down. He always had a friendly word for anyone he met and his fantastic personality filled any room he walked into. He was an excellent listener and would always make time for others.

‘Dee’ loved his boxing and rugby and represented the Royal Marines at rugby union. He was also a keen water polo player and represented the Royal Navy and the Combined Services team at the sport. ‘Dee’ was a true character who will be fondly remembered by all who had the privilege to serve with him. Humorous, caring and a true friend, he will be sadly missed by all his comrades in 40 Commando Royal Marines and the wider Corps family.

‘Dee’ leaves behind a loving fiancee and family of whom he talked about to anybody and everybody. He and his fiancee Lisa were planning to get married in the near future, and our deepest sympathies are extended to Lisa, his parents and all family and friends.

Lieutenant Colonel Stuart Birrell Royal Marines, Commanding Officer of 40 Commando Royal Marines, said:

"The loss of Corporal Mulvihill is a devastating blow for his family, his friends and his unit. An outstanding junior leader, he was immensely popular in both his company and the wider Commando unit. A charismatic man, he possessed an irrepressible sense of humour and would always be found with a broad smile on his face, regardless of the challenges or difficulties that he was facing.

As a marine, he epitomised the Commando spirit. A courageous and selfless comrade, his cheerfulness in adversity could be guaranteed, and he always demonstrated the very highest standards of professional competence in everything that he undertook."

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

"The Bear"

Within 20min complete an AMRAP of:

12 OH Walking Lunges (50/35kg)

15 Burpees

8 Bar Muscle Ups

Please post rounds and reps to the whiteboard...


Rest In Peace brother