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WoD - Tuesday 6th August, 2019

WoD - Tuesday 6th August, 2019

Well wasn’t that fun! Not the first part as guess what…sprints really, really hurt! But also not the second, as, with no warning or knowledge then no one can sandbag! Sorry not sorry, but you actually have another sadist to blame!

Tomorrow we have something far more fun for you. Kind of. A heavy assed piece, but, it is all the lifts and therefore is gassy and can be as frustrating as whipping the bad of your head on double unders.

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

Within 30 minutes and for max weight complete one bear complex:
1 Power Clean
1 Front Squat
1 Jerk
1 Back Squat
1 Jerk (from behind the neck)

Although not advised when at maximal loading, a squat clean thruster into a thruster from behind the neck is allowed. Have fun and get those loads on the board please…


WoD - Monday 6th November, 2017

Another week and time to start a buzz with the Partner League WoD 2... 

Alex. Tsfasman, otherwise known as Joseph Joseph, would have thought this ten minute was full of utter bastards! 

Can anyone delve into my tired, mildly jet lagged mind and solve the puzzle! Guesses to comments please team. The nearest will be judged through PLWoD2 by Ash while only wearing his pants! 

Remember, this week's workout is on Wednesday. Unfortunately though, you have to survive tomorrow and Tuesday first! 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

21 - 15 - 9 Complex
8 Deadlifts
7 Cleans
6 Snatch
8 Pull Ups
7 Chest To Bar Pull ups
6 Bar Muscle Ups
Then 6, 5, 4 and finally 4, 3, 2. 

The bar is loaded to 70/50kg. Cleans and snatches can be performed anyhow. 

For an explanation of the work out, as well as an prove that super humans do exist, watch this video...

NO, thats not me judging him, it is in fact, Sweet Baby Jesus! 

The picture below, may or may not accompany the above clue...

Russian Swing.jpg

WoD - Friday 1st April 2016

Pinch...punch...first of the month. This is no April fools...

CrossFit Cardiff Partner WoD

'Big Sexy'

For time:
10 Rounds of:
6 Deadlifts (140/100kg)
6 Burpees
5 Cleans* (100/70kg)
5 C2B Pull Ups
4 Thrusters (70/50kg)
4 Muscle Ups

Athletes will segment the work as they see fit - with one athlete moving at a time - the other resting. Unless in a mixed gender pairing, one bar shall be used, de-loaded and re-loaded as dictated by each movement. 

Any style of clean is permitted, so long as the load is taken from the floor: power; squat or split.

Sgt. Lance "Big Sexy" McLean, 38. of Biloxi, Mississippi, died on June 29, 2013, from a gunshot wound he sustained in the line of duty on June 28, 2013. Prior to his death, McLean served as a Sergeant with the Sheriff's Office, and as a member of the SWAT Team in Hood County, Texas.

He is survived by his wife, Katy; and two children, Abigail and Quinton.