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WoD - Wednesday 28th April, 2021

WoD - Wednesday 28th April, 2021

Alright team. Get ready for some bank holiday fun, all in celebration for the official re-opening of the gym!

Three back to back classes, in the sun (☀️🤞🏼) although it doesn’t really matter as we will be allowed inside, with free coffee (supplied by uncommon ground) and free cookies (supplied by Ash) with possibly one more cool, sugar filled treat…what a perfect way to kick start a healthy release from lockdown: coffee and sugar!

Don’t be shy, come before class and stay late. Enjoy and mingle as if you haven’t seen each other in 5 months!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
5 rounds for time of:
30 Medicine Ball cleans (20/14lbs)
15 Burpees
100m sprint (50m shuttle sprint)
Rest 1 minute between rounds


WoD - Thursday 15th October, 2020

WoD - Thursday 15th October, 2020

Some awesome PBs coming out of some strong lifts today legends. Fair fricking play!
Tomorrow will call for a longer, endurance style workout. Reps and sets are just low enough that if…you squeeze your little bums hard enough, you will be able to hold on unbroken each round!

CrossFit Cardiff WoD
Within 20 minutes, completed as many rounds and reps as possible of:
Run 600m
60 Double Unders
20 Toes to bar

Front squat
3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3
@105% squat clean

Go hard, go fast and get yourself into that 5th round. Scores up please dudes!
