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Xmas Day

WoD - Christmas Day

WoD - Christmas Day

Nadolig Llawen you wonderful bunch of fitness loving legends! I hope your hang overs have gone! If not, never fear, our Xmas tradition will kick them into touch for you…

11am at the box, no warm up, no coaching, and hopefully mince pies afterwards…

CrossFit Cardiff Xmas Day WoD

For time:
150 Burpees

If you are man/woman enough, video your burpees and tag @Reebok CrossFit Cardiff on Instagram…

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WoD - Monday 25th December, 2017

To all of you lovely bad asses, a very, very Merry Christmas. I hope that you are planning huge amounts of fun and good times with loved ones. Over indulge, put your feet up and enjoy a few thoroughly deserved days off. 

I would like to personally thank you all for what has been a truly memorable end of year. I have had to deal with some significant adversity throughout this year, but have come out of it smiling. All and only due to an amazing team and the unbreakable community that you all continue to uphold and develop. We are better and stronger for it, determined to make 2018 a fucking cool year for all of you. 
Big things are coming your way, some planned over a few too many beers the night before the 12 Days of Xmas WoD. Surprisingly, they were all pretty well thought out and not surprisingly, very, very cool.

In years past, and for one reason only, it has been hard for me to stand in front of you all at the Xmas party as one unit; no longer. I could not have been more proud to address you all and deliver those so well deserved, justified awards. The noise after every name was announced, is something that will make me smile each time it crosses my mind, and for a long time to come. 
Thank you all so much for making that evening a highlight of the year, and an epic beginning to the silly season! #thebestchristmasyet

Below are some more in depth opening hours for the up and coming week. 
Monday (Xmas Day) - 11:00am (BURPEES)
Tuesday (Boxing Day - CLOSED
Wednesday - Friday (27th - 29th) - 06:30 - 07:30 (WoD)
                                                          09:30 - 10:30 (WoD)
                                                          15:00 - 17:00 (OPEN GYM)
                                                          17:00 - 18:00 (WoD)
                                                          18:00 - 19:00 (WoD)
                                                          NO 19:00 (7pm) Class

Absolutely nothing would be possible without this group of legends. I owe everything I have to them. Thank you team, you lead this gym with the passion and commitment that it deserves. #sweepthesheds #leavethejerseyinabetterplace

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As a small treat to you, and you may have already noticed, we have a BRAND NEW WEBSITE!
Have a flick through, enjoy, share and comment away. It has taken a lot of hard work and all the thanks goes to Sash the IT ninja! What a hero he is. Sash has so much time on his hands in fact, that he has offered to do websites for everyone at the box! He loves it! 
There are a few tweaks still to be made, more and more to add. But Merry Christmas from us all at Reebok CrossFit Cardiff. Big love and see you all for burpees tomorrow. 

Thanks you, 

CrossFit Cardiff Xmas Day WoD

For Time:
150 Burpees

Wherever you are, take sometime to get yourself on the floor and back up again 150 times. Video it and post it to IG, tag @reebokcrossfitcardiff. The best Xmas jumper or video in general wins a CrossFit Cardiff T-shirt. 

WoD - Thursday 14th December , 2017

Man we are so close I can almost smell Ash's vomit! 2 SLEEPS!!

So I have already posted the opening times over Xmas. If you didn't see them there here's a link...

CrossFit Cardiff Christmas Opening Hours

What you will notice is that we are open on Christmas morning, and here's why. While I worked within the Marines, in Iraq and for the Ambulance service, I had to work Christmas's. For eleven straight years I was away from home or working. Now I'm not crazy about Xmas, but I do love the fact that it's the one time of year that you get to see all the amazing people within your life, typically all in one place.
So when you are half way around the world, or you have to work a 12 hour shift, it sucks and regardless of who you are, the mind wanders. 
We have something very special down at CrossFit Cardiff, a community that has been noted by many visitors as to be something that they admire, and desire. 
For those of you who are working, or even if you just can't take a rest day, or may not actually see another human being on Xmas day by choice...come down to the box. It'll be cold, it might even be raining, but there will be a few willing folk to suffer (the only suffering is listening to Mariah) through 150 burpees. Afterwards we can eat mince pies, for recovery of course, drink coffee if you want, and spare a thought for those who are miles away from those who love them, or even just down the road. 

If you can spare a few minutes, at 11am, come down and hang out. Even if you just eat mince pies, and do NO burpees, it would be cool to see you. 

CrossFit Cardiff WoD

For time:
10 Bar Muscle Ups
Run 200m
8 Bar Muscle Ups
Run 400m
6 Bar Muscle Ups
Run 800m
4 Bar Muscle Ups
Run 1 mile
2 Bar Muscle Ups

Please bitch slap Conroy and write your times to the white board...
